Archive for January, 2023

It’s been a while

Posted: January 24, 2023 in Author note

Hey, if you’re reading this thanks for hanging around. This blog has grown a few cobwebs but trust me it hasn’t been forgotten

Photo by Laker on

I’ve been working at for a little while and a lot of my work has migrated there.

Currently, I’ve just finished moving all the posts from this blog over to the following URL

This will contain the whole collection – eventually… sorted

I am now trying to organize the chaotic blog posts so they make some sense. 78988 words, can you believe that? This is just this blog. This doesn’t include the text I’ve written for, which is taking on some new threads itself.

I guess 2023 will be the year of change/transition and maybe some progress on putting this monster together.

Maybe it’s my age, but my Art and Writing are finally working together.. well.. together is not exactly the word I need. They are tolerating each other.

My Art and Writing are still in two separate worlds… I would like to eventually join them together.

Anyways, feel free to check in every once and a while…